“Bell rings !! Back to School!”

Israth Raihana
3 min readMar 31, 2020


The little fingers tangled in Mama’s hand left little by little when the teacher held our other hand with a smile trying to take us away from her. It was like a prison, cries could be heard through the silent corridors.

Days passed, made friends. Falling, learning and standing up on our feet we grew up little by little.

Notes, exam papers to marks, fighting for a mark we moved on from class to class.

We were in a room filled with Doctors, Teachers, Engineers, and Pilots. Our little hearts made big dreams.

Being punished outside the classroom in four corners and not even caring about it and playing the fool our lives went on well ..umm unless the teacher makes it to a point to get down our parents.

Parent teacher’s meetings heads hang down like we are goodie two shoes and being a teacher’s pet or being on her naughty kids’ list. Besties, friends and getting angry and thumbs put down to display anger. Life was so simple.

Being a class monitor was like we were crowned and given a chance to order our classmates around, and getting teased by them with nicknames, well here I reveal mine, I was called a“Mosquito”!

Holding the pen for the very first time made us feel so high. Haha, the days of using Atlas to Atlas chooty, ballpoint pens we moved to secondary grades.

And there started another phase of our life, hormonal changes and lots of ships started to sail or rather we wanted them to be sailing. So many ships ended up together and some sank in between. Pulling each other’s legs with each other’s names. Screaming on top of our voices until the whole class got punished and being lectured by each and everyone teachers who pass by, which we took from one ear and put it out in another. We grew up!

Projects given to be done in groups, Well these idiots, the boys, always would make sure to put the whole thing on the girl’s head and order ‘Do’, Hands-on hips still pissed we carried on just for some ‘marks’

Strict, love, rude, comedy teachers life passed on with whiteboards right in front of our eyes and hands-on cheeks sat on benches with each passing minute waiting for the period to end. How simple was life back then?

Intervals, canteens, food here and there 30 minutes passed by with chatterings and batterings. Wanting to be seniors and play the fool around. How beautiful those days were?

Sports meet came year by year challenging our friendships and there came the real moments of wanting our house to win. The energy, winnings and defeats made us all so amazing. The cheerings and the craziness on the grounds when the team wins. Woah those were the days!

School trips, A bus full of crazy introverts and extroverts, the first seaters who are more to themselves and the last seaters who are crazy dudes! Singing, well more like howling and dancing. It was a fun time of the year. Some matured idiots to immature idiots classes moved on.

And there came a full-stop to everything. Stress, overthinking to full studying mode came when O/ls and A/ls made its way. More than exams, sadness filled us that we had to leave behind all the shit. Smiles, played the fool around even on the last day and proud of being called as the worst class and thinking of ourselves as ‘The best ones ’outta everyone. So wonderful it was!.

That day we knew we gonna go separate ways, it hurt. From strangers being friends and enemies we lived a life inside a cage for 6 hours a day for more than 10 years. And suddenly we grew up to being matured idiots, haha.

Now life is full of stress, studies to career and making a life for ourselves. Life has suddenly become so overwhelming.

The first day we stepped into the school with tears and last day we ended it in tears but for a change wanting it to be a little longer in the same place once we wanted to take sick leaves.

Now all I want is a Reunion Peeps!

Thanks for reading :) Sanitize your hands, avoid touching your face and drink a lot of water until you pee! Be safe everyone. Lets together fight Corona.



Israth Raihana

I am a teacher who is currently doing her higher studies and is a passionate amateur writer.